
Why another blog? I want a place to share my sadness and triumphs. I need a place to share my frustration, anger and tears. I also need a place to celebrate me, when I do good. My family blog is about my family. This blog is for my "Daily Stresses".

March 29, 2009

Good News

Lets try a happy post, shall we?
I am looking for a job, and have had very little luck, as have many others. Then a couple of weeks ago, I did some networking! I got on my facebook page, and actually commented! Amazing, huh? Within minutes I had several responses from friends that knew of something.
The most exciting response was about a retirement home within walking distance from our house. The owner is in our ward, and they had announced in RS that they were needing a part time receptionist.
I called and talked to the owners wife, and she told me to contact the administrator. The next day, I called her, and made an appointment to fill out an application. We had a mini-interview, and I felt it went good. So, 2-3 days later, I called to check up with her, and she hadn't thought any more about it (they are opening another home, so they have a lot going on). "Great, I just wanted to keep in touch!"
So, a week went by, and I called again. "Hi, its Laura. I wondered if you and the lead RN have a time ready to meet with me?" (assume the sale, right?) We chatted, and she is still slammed, but she will do an interview next week.
"Thanks," I said. "I don't want to annoy you, but I am super interested." blah blah blah
" Don't worry, you aren't bugging me," she said. "You are following through, and being persistent!"

Long story short (or is it too late?) She called Saturday, and I have an interview Tuesday at 11:30, with the lead RN and her (the administrator)! I hope and pray that this will work out. The hours would work great with the kids school schedule, and it is so close to my house. I'll keep ya'll posted!

1 comment:

Ginny said...

how exciting! i am very impressed with your persistent and professional approach (i am wishing someone would do that with my house about now :-)). hope the interview went well. can't wait for the update!!!