
Why another blog? I want a place to share my sadness and triumphs. I need a place to share my frustration, anger and tears. I also need a place to celebrate me, when I do good. My family blog is about my family. This blog is for my "Daily Stresses".

January 15, 2011


I have made some very serious resolutions this year. I want to see some changes in my life, and am committed to doing the following:

Without fail, no excuses...I will drink the recommended 8 glasses of water each week! NO skipping weeks, no "forgetting". 8 glasses a week!

I will engage in cardio activity for a minimum of 30 minutes at a time at least once a month. That's right, once a month. Don't laugh, I KNOW I can do it! And as I do this each month, I will get stronger! Just watch!

Lastly (not too many, as I want to actually accomplish these) I plan on loosing weight. As I have read, and studied this subject for many years now, I know that there is a safe and realistic limit to how much you should loose, and how quickly. So as not to set myself up for failure, but still "push" myself, this year, I will loose a minimum of 2 pounds. It would be great to loose more that that, and I will certainly report my success. But, really, more than 2 pounds in a year, and you risk it being a temporary weight loss, and I don't want to yo-yo. I will loose those 2 pounds, and they will STAY OFF!

So there you have it. My 2011 New Years Resolutions list! I am committed to these goals, and I know they will help my life! I will be happier, healthier and hotter (the 3 H's). Check back periodically to see how I am progressing!

1 comment:

Jana and Family said...

Good for you Laura! I will be watching you and cheering from the sidelines. Give me a shout if you want someone to walk with....